Thursday, September 3, 2020

Railway Requirements Analysis and Reservation Essay Example

Railroad: Requirements Analysis and Reservation Essay Railroad Reservation System Requirements Specification Table of Contents 1. Introduction3 1. 1Goals and Purpose3 1. 2Scope of Project3 1. 3Definiton Abbreviations4 1. 4 References 1. 5Overview4 2. By and large Description5 2. 1Product Perspective 2. 2 Product Function 2. 3 User Characteristics 2. 4 General Constraints 2. 5 Assumptions Dependencies 5 3. Explicit Requirement6 3. 1External Interface Requirement6 3. 1. 1 User Interface 3. 1. 2 Hardware Interface 3. 1. 3 Software Interface 3. 1. 4 Communication Interface 3. 2Functional Reqiuerment7 3. 3Performance Requirement8 3. 4Design Requirement 3. Properties 3. 6 Others Requiremnt 9 Requirement Specification Introduction The Railway Reservation System is an online application for helping client or railroad director in overseeing reservation in a Railway Department. The framework would give fundamental arrangement of highlights to direct reservation or dropping, train booking timing, scan for accessible reservation, and oversee regist ration/checkout forms. The accompanying record gives the key necessities details to the framework dependent on the client’s articulation of need. Objectives and Purpose The Railway Reservation framework would have the accompanying key objectives: Provide a GUI for client to interface with the backend database Screens to reservation/crossing out database Screens to prepare plan Screens to look for a train/seats dependent on client driven boundaries Minimize the general time 2 Scope of Project The fundamental degree and expectations of the undertaking would be: Easy, Fast and proficient working Easy route for wiping out and reservation of the tickets. Get precise data about trains, accessible seat, charges, and so on. Quicker correspondence The key achievements and expectations of the venture would be as per the following: |Tasks |Deliverable |Due date | |Prepare itemized client |User Requirements Specification |, 2008 | |requirements archive | |Review the prerequisites and |Requirements Review Checklist | |update the necessities report |Template. | |and get customer close down |Updated URS (Version 2. ) | |High Level Design of use |HLDD | |system | |Test Plan for application |Test Plan Document | |Detailed Design Document |Unit Design Document | |Prototype |Code GUI screens | |Test Cases and Report |Test report | |System Demo |Demonstration | 1. 3. Definition Abbreviations AARS: Automated Railway Reservation System 3 References Railway reservation site Google Books 1. 5 Overview The result of the prerequisites elicitation process is necessities archive, which incorporate useful necessities, interface prerequisites, execution necessities, plan limitations, Preliminary Object-Oriented Domain Analysis, operational situati ons and others necessities. In general Description 1 Product Perspective We will compose a custom paper test on Railway: Requirements Analysis and Reservation explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Railway: Requirements Analysis and Reservation explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Railway: Requirements Analysis and Reservation explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The Automated Railway Reservation System outline indicating the review of the system’s modules and the relationship of the framework to outer interfaces is introduced in Figure 2. 1. [pic] Functions of System Components: Database: †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Stores information †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Creates reports †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Provides access to information †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Updates data Server: †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Provides access to the database †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Authenticates clients †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Processes reservations †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Performs reinforcements †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Produces reports External Interfaces: Terminal †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Users use terminals to get to the server †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Passengers and trip specialists use terminals to hold the tickets and to get data about the accessible seats o n specific trains. †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Railroad organization may utilize terminals to see the reports created by the database programming. PCs †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Users (travelers, trip specialists, and railroad organization) may utilize PCs to acquire a remote access to the server and the booking database by means of the Internet. PDAs †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Server as a mechanism of getting to the server and the booking database. †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Passengers may utilize mobile phones and the most recent media transmission advances to get to the server and the booking database by means of Internet, or they may utilize PDAs to call trip specialists to ask about railroad and ticket data. PC Hardware and Peripheral Equipment to be utilized: †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â 32 workstations, which incorporate CPUs, screens, consoles, and mice †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Printers †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Network †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Terminals †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Cell telephones to test association with the server by means of remote access 2 Product Functions. The item primary capacity is to give usefulness to conquer the difficult which is looked by the current framework. This item helps any sort of client to realize every single thing in regards to reservation in any train. It additionally assists with giving data in regards to railroads by methods for telephone so work can done quick and in extremely productive way. 3 User Characteristics The primary clients of the framework will be the travelers purchasing train tickets, the trip specialists that procedure bookings for travelers, and the CRM organization that get to the reports produced by the framework. The clients are not required to have information in the PC field. The graphical interface gives a simple method of utilizing the ARRS framework with least of preparing. 4 General Constraints. The Product is created utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic 6. 0. The backend database for this SQL Server. The item is cultivated with login office so explicit capacity is accessible to explicit clients . Under this equipment, programming and structure imperatives we consider. 2. 5 Assumptions and conditions The suppositions for the undertaking are: †¢Ã¢ â â â â â There are five classes of tickets as recorded underneath ?  ¦Ã¢ â â â â â Sleeping (delicate) compartment style mentors 4 traveler for each compartment ?  ¦Ã¢ â â â â â Sleeping (hard) compartme nt style mentors 6 traveler for each compartment ?  ¦Ã¢ â â â â â Sitting (delicate) normal top notch mentor ?  ¦Ã¢ â â â â â Sitting (hard) visitor class lounge chair ?  ¦Ã¢ â â â â â Standing (hard and delicate sitting mentors just) †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Reservation can be made as long as one month before a specific excursion. †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Seats are doled out during reservation. †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Phone reservation includes tickets being bought inside 24 hours in the wake of reserving the spot. Something else, the booking will be dropped. †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â No reservations can be made 48 hours preceding the outing. Or maybe, it will be done on an originally start things out serve premise starting there on. †¢ †¢Ã¢ â â â â â Passenger records will be given to conductors at each stop. 3. Outside Interface Requirement 3. 1. 1 User Interfaces User Interface assumes the most significant job for correspondence among client and programming item. The interface should introduce and procure data in a steady manner. 3. 1. 2 Hardware Interfaces ? Working System: Windows XP/ME ? Processor: Pentiumâ 3. 0 GHz ? Slam: 256 Mb ? Hard Drive: 10 GB 3. Programming Interfaces  ¬Ã¢ â â â â â â â â â â Database: SQL Server.            Application: Visual Basic 3. 2. Utilitarian Requirements This rundown of Functional and non practical prerequisites which are relevant to the Railway Reservation System. This segment ought to portray a lot of situations that show, from the clients point of view, what will be experienced while using the framework under different circumstances. In the expansive sense, a situation is just a proposed explicit utilization of the framework. A lot of situations is spoken to below_: Use Case: Indian Railways accommodates booking ahead of time on all significant distance travel. The traveler looking for reservation of compartment or seats should buy the tickets from Railway Reservation Offices . To make a development booking, the traveler is required to fill in a recommended application shape and submit it to the reservation counter with the suitable sum. Bookings ahead of time are made as long as 60 days ahead of time for all trains, for all classes restrictive of the day of takeoff of trains. An individual can book just up to six travelers on one demand structure gave all travelers are to a similar goal and for a similar train. Indian Railways wishes to build up a tagging and reservation framework. This must help advance booking of tickets, dropping of tickets and change of class of a ticket. All these are taken care of by a Reservation Clerk. The framework will likewise have a web-interface where clients can enroll themselves and buy tickets on the web. They can pay either by utilizing their web based financial record or with Visa or by VPP. Reservations made over the web must be dropped over the counter. The framework will al

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